Did you know that the simple act of smiling could add up to 7 years to your life? That's what the results from one study suggest! A healthy, confident smile is a valuable asset worth protecting. Don't overlook these clues that hint your smile needs a... more »
If the color of your teeth isn’t as bright as the whites of your eyes, it may be time to consider brightening your smile. Teeth whitening is simple, effective, and safe...as long as it’s done properly with quality products and methods. Take... more »
There comes a time when the tides change, and we become a caregiver to those that raised us, drove us to soccer practice, dance recitals, and music lessons. They helped us brush our hair and taught us to brush our teeth. Now we are the ones helping with... more »
Professional dental exams and a regular homecare routine do more than keep your mouth clean – they might just save your life! Taking care of your mouth, teeth, and gums are important to your overall health and can prevent cavities, periodontal disease and... more »
Veneers can be a simple, non-invasive way to change your smile's shape and look while preserving valuable tooth structure. If you're looking for a non-invasive way to improve the shape of your smile, veneers might be the choice for you. Veneers are... more »
Unhealthy habits often seem benign, producing nearly undetectable changes to our bodies for a long time. But a little bit of damage leads to a little bit more, and the impact often shows after irreversible problems develop. As the hardest substance in your... more »
We can’t wait to meet you. Call (206) 546-2424 or request an appointment online to set up your first visit. We’ll be in touch soon.