Dental Sedation Making Treatment Possible

Tremblay Dental Studio office painting

Dental Sedation Making Treatment Possible

October 6th, 2015

At our practice, we understand you may feel the only way any treatment will happen is if you're "completely out." We've heard that many times, and we can discuss levels of sedation and what can be expected with each choice. We'll review your general health and your planned treatment, and even customize different amounts of sedation for different types of treatment. For example, a dental cleaning might be accomplished by one of our gentle hygienists with a little laughing gas. But if you need a surgical procedure, being completely asleep with one of our trusted oral surgeon colleagues might be best for you.

Modern medicine and providers that listen offer more opportunities than ever for you to receive the care you need. By taking one step at a time, starting with a consultation with our team, we can help you find the solution to better dental health.

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